Asuransi Indonesia. Asuransi jasindo came into existence following a very long struggle dating back as early as 1845 as a result of the nationalization of a number of colonial dutch insurance companies in 1845 such as nv assurantie maatshsppij de nederlander and bloom vander both of which domiciled in jakarta. Asuransi indrapura indonesia has built an enviable reputation in developing deep customer insights that support the creation of relevant and comprehensive commercial and individual insurance products and solutions.
Salah satu perusahaan asuransi terbaik di indonesia ini sempat beberapa kali berganti nama. Asuransi indrapura indonesia has built an enviable reputation in developing deep customer insights that support the creation of relevant and comprehensive commercial and individual insurance products and solutions. Asuransi jasindo came into existence following a very long struggle dating back as early as 1845 as a result of the nationalization of a number of colonial dutch insurance companies in 1845 such as nv assurantie maatshsppij de nederlander and bloom vander both of which domiciled in jakarta.
Guaranteed customer data security.
Asuransi indrapura indonesia has built an enviable reputation in developing deep customer insights that support the creation of relevant and comprehensive commercial and individual insurance products and solutions. Pertama kali perusahaan ini bernama pt. Asuransi lippo jiwa sakti kemudian diganti lippo life lalu kembali diganti menjadi aig lippo. Berikut daftar perusahaan asuransi yang ada di indonesia.